Tag: Xist Kids Spanish Books

Doy gracias

Book Title: Doy graciasAuthor: Juliana O'NeillIllustrator: Olivia KincaidSeries: Xist Kids Spanish Books Digital Edition eISBN: 9781532407369Available in single or multi-user editions. Print Edition(s) Trim Size: 6 x 9 Perfect Bound ISBN: 9781532407352 Hardcover ISBN: 9781532440434 Book Details Lexile: AD140LAge Level: 4-8Reading Level: K3BISAC: JUV002070, JUV043000,...


Book Title: InstrumentosAuthor: Xist PublishingSeries: Xist Kids Spanish Books Digital Edition eISBN: 9781532407819Available in single or multi-user editions. Print Edition(s) Trim Size: 8.5 x 8.5 Perfect Bound ISBN: 9781532407802 Hardcover ISBN: 9781532440618 Book Details Lexile: NP GRL: LBAge Level: 0-4Reading Level: K3BISAC: JNF051130, JNF061010, JNF013000BIC:YBLNPage...

Hay un perro sobre la mesa del comedor

Book Title: Hay un perro sobre la mesa del comedorAuthor: Elizabeth MaginnisIllustrator: Annie Dwyer InternicolaSeries: Xist Kids Spanish Books Digital Edition eISBN: 9781532407161Available in single or multi-user editions. Print Edition(s) Trim Size: 8.5 x 8.5 Perfect Bound ISBN: 9781532407154 Hardcover ISBN: 9781532440595 Book Details Lexile:...

La marea está llegando

Book Title: La marea está llegandoAuthor: Calee M. LeeIllustrator: Joanna CzernichowskaSeries: Xist Kids Spanish Books Digital Edition eISBN: 9781532407185Available in single or multi-user editions. Print Edition(s) Trim Size: 8 x 10 Perfect Bound ISBN: 9781532407178 Hardcover ISBN: 9781532440656 Book Details Lexile: AD560LAge Level: 4-8Reading Level:...


Book Title: LagartijasAuthor: Xist PublishingSeries: Xist Kids Spanish Books Digital Edition eISBN: 9781532407208Available in single or multi-user editions. Print Edition(s) Trim Size: 8.5 x 8.5 Perfect Bound ISBN: 9781532407192 Hardcover ISBN: 9781532440663 Book Details Lexile: NP GRL: LBAge Level: 0-4Reading Level: K3BISAC: JNF003190, JNF020030, JNF013000BIC:YBLNPage...

Libre como una ave

Book Title: Libre como una aveAuthor: Annelin FagernesIllustrator: Annelin FagernesSeries: Xist Kids Spanish Books Digital Edition eISBN: 9781532401671Available in single or multi-user editions. Print Edition(s) Trim Size: 8 x 10 Perfect Bound ISBN: 9781532401237 Hardcover ISBN: 9781532440687 Book Details Lexile: AD640LAge Level: 4-8Reading Level: K3BISAC:...


Book Title: MamíferosAuthor: Xist PublishingSeries: Xist Kids Spanish Books Digital Edition eISBN: 9781532407222Available in single or multi-user editions. Print Edition(s) Trim Size: 8.5 x 8.5 Perfect Bound ISBN: 9781532407215 Hardcover ISBN: 9781532440700 Book Details Lexile: NP GRL: LBAge Level: 0-4Reading Level: K3BISAC: JNF003170, JNF020030, JNF013000BIC:YBLNPage...


Book Title: MascotasAuthor: Xist PublishingSeries: Xist Kids Spanish Books Digital Edition eISBN: 9781532407246Available in single or multi-user editions. Print Edition(s) Trim Size: 8.5 x 8.5 Perfect Bound ISBN: 9781532407239 Hardcover ISBN: 9781532440724 Book Details Lexile: NP GRL: LBAge Level: 0-4Reading Level: K3BISAC: JNF003170, JNF020030, JNF013000BIC:YBLNPage...

Mi gato esta triste

Book Title: Mi gato esta tristeAuthor: Katrina StrezaIllustrator: Brenda PonnaySeries: Xist Kids Spanish Books Digital Edition eISBN: 9781532407260Available in single or multi-user editions. Print Edition(s) Trim Size: 6 x 9 Perfect Bound ISBN: 9781532407253 Hardcover ISBN: 9781532440762 Book Details Lexile: AD30LAge Level: 3-6Reading Level: K3BISAC:...


Book Title: PescadoAuthor: Xist PublishingSeries: Xist Kids Spanish Books Digital Edition eISBN: 9781532407284Available in single or multi-user editions. Print Edition(s) Trim Size: 8.5 x 8.5 Perfect Bound ISBN: 9781532407277 Hardcover ISBN: 9781532440854 Book Details GRL: LBAge Level: 0-4Reading Level: K3BISAC: JNF003090, JNF020030, JNF013000BIC:YBLNPage Count: 28Year...
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